Living with beautiful objects is not a luxury; for me it’s a necessity. Especially today with the idea of living simply, it’s the pleasure of a few meaningful possessions that excites me. Each has a unique character and holds something of the spirit of the maker — in a hand-knotted rug, a shapely carved mixing spoon, or the handmade chisels and planes I use building my furniture. This connection with the maker is rare, for where today can you collaborate with a skilled craftsman to create something that becomes a delightful part of your life? A piece of furniture I would answer.
Commissioning a piece of furniture is above all fun. We look at design inspirations from antique pieces to nature, at different types of woods and other materials for their rich colors and subtle patterns, at appropriate joinery, and at the delightful details that so enriches the work. Into the mix go ideas from client and maker, practical needs and experienced knowledge, personal tastes and budget. Collaboration is often the catalyst for the most beautiful and satisfying works.
What’s the value of something you were part of creating, that becomes such a joy to live with and use? And just think of the fun future generations will have living with your handmade piece, when such connections will be even more rare and cherished.